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更新时间:2015-10-21      浏览次数:2621

热真空系统腔体的大致尺寸为:直径24",长度43"。带有一个16"x32"的滑动加热平,可以冷却到零下100摄氏度。热真空平台也可以加热到150摄氏度,具有高度的均匀度。在去边3cm后整个平台的温度均匀度可达 /-1摄氏度。加热平台安装在滚轴上,可以方便拉出zui大到75%的长度,腔体提供20个RF连接头,尺寸为2.92mm,可以支持高达40GHz的频率。腔体的两侧分别有一个50针的引线。真空系统包含HiPace1200(1000 L/s抽速)涡轮分子泵以及一个ISP500干泵,系统的极限真空可达7x10-8Torr,20分钟内可达到10-6Torr级别。


  Controllable uniform heat and cold cycle conditions 可控的均匀加热行业冷却循环条件
  Computer controlled 计算机控制
  Safety interlocks  完整的安全联锁
  Multiple levels of access with password restrictions  4级密码访问保护
  Chamber size is 43” in length and 24” in diameter 腔体尺寸43”长,24”直径
  Sliding thermal platform of 16” x 32” cooled to -1000C 滑动式加热平台的面积为16”x32”,可冷却到-1000C
  Thermal platform can also be heated to 1500C with 3 cm exclusion zone around the edges achieving the uniformity of ±10C throughout the platform
  Thermal platform is mounted on rolls so that it can be pulled out to 75% of its length for loading devices/samples  热平台安装在滚动轴上,可以拉出总长度的75%,便于器件/样片放置取出
  Chamber has a provision of 20 RF connectors 2.92mm size which can hold up to 40 GHz of frequency 腔体提供20个RF连接器,尺寸为2.92mm,可以支持到40GHz的频率
  Two 50 pin DC feedthroughs are also provided on either sides of the chamber  提供2个50 pin的DC直流引线,分别位于腔体的两端
  Vacuum system consists of turbo molecular pump and dry scroll pump  真空系统包含涡轮分子泵和干泵
  Base pressure 7 x 10-8 Torr, 10-6 Torr range in less than 20 minutes  极限真空7x10-8Torr,20分钟以内可以达到10-6Torr级别
  Custom feedthroughs   可根据客户需要提供引线定制方案
  Additional instrumentation flanges and pump upgrades can be done upon request  可根据用户需要提供额外的仪器法兰及真空泵升级

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